Memories are sometimes fleeting; all too often distanced thoughts are enhanced by an interpretation that did not exist at the original point in time. Memories are hazy, revisionist, interpretative, shrouded, and reassessed based on a current thinking that may be different than the initial event.
Any anniversary of an event that occurred ten years ago may be fraught with contemporary missteps, re-imagined as to what was that may be shaded by time passing on. So, here is the deal.
aaduna’s presentation of “Feeding Off Of the North Star,” was a re-reading of 2013 original poems authored by Cyd Charisse Fulton who read her work at the anniversary event. While the 2013 reading was convened at Thompson Memorial AME Zion Church (now re-named the Harriet Tubman Memorial AME Zion Church,) Ms. Fulton did the original reading and returned Auburn, N|Y’s Seymour Library to re-voice her words without any subsequent edits or changes in a poems’ theme or content. The audience reaction was the same…
Appreciation and thankfulness.
An online adventure with words and images…
~ A globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.
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